System Config
2 X Alpha 4100 5/400,512 MB ,HSZ50 in a Trucluster Available Server
Digital Unix 4.0D with Patch kit 1
Trucluster Available Server 1.5 with patch kit installed.
We are installing Sybase Enterprise Server 11.5.1 . When initalizing the
master device on a raw device ,system panics with the message
_panic_string: 0xfffffc0000634510 = "u_anon_free: page busy"
Sybase inits properly if the master device is created on a
filesystem.Later able to init the raw devices for other databases
The panic happens even if the raw devices are not part of an ASE
What does this message mean. Which are the areas I should be looking at.
Received on Fri Aug 21 1998 - 09:32:42 NZST