quota and transfer count

From: Becki Kain <beckers_at_josephus.furph.com>
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 11:56:06 -0400 (EDT)

Is there a way to count how much disk space one user (but not all users)
is using on a 4.0d system, including web, mail, and ftp traffic? and does
anyone have a good way to measure how much transfer per day someone has?


Becki Kain
  furph, Inc.	WWW/Unix/Windows Solutions	734-513-7763 (voice)
info_at_furph.com	   http://www.furph.com		734-513-7759 (FAX)
Received on Tue Sep 29 1998 - 15:57:17 NZST

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