I am writing to provide a summary of the responses to my question.
my thanks to the following people for their quick responses:
Tom Webster <webster_at_ssdpdc.lgb.cal.boeing.com>
Oisin McGuinness <oisin_at_sbcm.com>
George Gallen <ggallen_at_slackinc.com>
Background: We have 12 Alphas running DU 4.0d. WE use PCM on a 13th
alpha, and connect console ports from the 12 alphas to two 16 port
DECserver 700s. The servers run s/w (DRAS) version 2.0. Thru PCM we
are able to remotely manage our systems.
1. how can I obtain the configuration of the server ports w/o having
to log into each server and interrogate ports?
2. how can I logout a port from the server which has lost the device
it was connected to? - the server port is unusable by anyone if a "normal"
logout is not performed.
3. is there a way to reload the server configuration from a saved
file? the file would have the port characteristics for all ports on
the server.
SUMMARY of responses:
For 1, 2, 3, once you learn the commands to control and admin the
DECserver 700, all you have to do is get and build expect, then write
a few simple expect subroutines, and you have all you need. If you're
not aware of expect, it is essential for automating tasks like "for
each server login to it (handling timeouts and login errors etc.), run
a command, and handle whatever unexpected replies arise...".
The DECserver 700's do SNMP. You should even be able to manage them
(at least from the viewpoint of reading info) from something enormous
like HP OpenView or Sun NetManager.
For 1 : DRAS is up to either V2.2 or V2.3
for 2&3: should be scriptable.
for 1,2,&3: Compaq has a free product, Access Server Manager at
, which runs on Wintel PCs. ASM is really designed to facilitate easy
configuration for dialup and simple LAT configurations. If your setup
odd, you may still need to modify it from the CLI, but at least ASM
can be used to copy port configurations between ports and backup the
DECserver configuration.
for 1,2,&3
to logout a port, you can telnet to the server, enter the system
password then enter "lo port xx".
An idea on how to save the configuration, set up a script which would
contain a macro (for telnet) that would telnet to each server, then
execute the appropriate set port commands.
The same idea could be used for polling each port as well, just send
the output to a file.
The time consuming part would be initially setting up the script
Received on Fri Oct 02 1998 - 21:35:01 NZST