SUMMARY: Kernel rebuilding, general advice solicted.

From: Kevin Criss <>
Date: Tue, 06 Oct 1998 15:33:17 -0500

     [Q] Kernel rebuilding general advice solicted. My original longish
         question is attached at the bottom of this summary.
     Thanks for responses from the following individuals: "Andrea Crisanti" "Serguei Patchkovskii" "Dr. Tom Blinn" "Rodrigo Poblete"
     Most responses were geared towards running sizer manually and then
     comparing the output from this with my existing configuration as
     described, digested and renumbered from the Systems Administration
     book chapter 5.4.1 "Building the Kernel to add support for a new
     1) Backup /vmunix
        # cp /vmunix /
     2) Shutdown and halt system
        # shutdown -h now
     3) Boot generic kernel allowing for fallback to your existing kernel
        should the generic kernel fail to boot.
>>> boot -fi "genvmuix"
     4) In single user mode, check and mount your local file systems
        ? If you are not running LSM # /sbin/bcheckrc
        ? If you are running LSM # /sbin/lsmbstartup
     5) Run the sizer program to size your system hardware and create a new
        target configuration file that includes the new devices. The sizer
        -n command creates a new target configuration file for your system
        that includes the appropriate device definition keywords for your
        Book says:
        # sizer -n MYSYS
        Andrea says:
        # sizer -n newconfig
        Serguei syas"
        # sizer -n YOUR_CONFIG_NAME
        I think I'll use the YOUR_CONFIG_NAME
     6) Compare the new target configuration file created by sizer with the
        existing target configuration file for your system.
        # dif /tmp/YOUR_CONFIG_NAME usr/sys/conf/YOUR_PRODUCTION_CONFIG_NAME
     7) Edit differences into /usr/sys/conf/YOUR_PRODUCTION_CONFIG_NAME
     8) Build a new kernel by issuing the following command.
        # cd /usr/sys/conf
        # doconfig -c YOUR_PRODUCTION_CONFIG_NAME
        # answer n (no) to the do you want to edit the cofiguration file?
        Originally I wanted to skip steps 5,6,7 by running doconfig without
        any options but not many people wanted to go this way. Here is
        what Dr. Blinn had to say. You need to boot genvmunix, then run
        doconfig with no parameters, or run the sizer utility manually and
        merge in your customizations. When doconfig runs with no options,
        you can give a different name for configuration file besides your
        current system name, this way it won't replace your existing config
        file. It will set up a new directory hierarchy and build a kernel
        there, and you can later compare the new config file to the old one
        and merge any changes.
     9) If the output of doconfig has generated an error free kernel
        move the new kernel to / and rebooot.
        # mv /usr/sys/YOUR_PRODUCTION_CONFIG_NAME/vmunix /vmunix
        # /usr/sbin/shutdown -r now
     10) Diaster Recovery
        The book says:
        # fsck -p
        # mount -u /
        # mv / /vmunix
        # shutdown -r now
        Alternatively, I think repeating 3 & 4 sounds better.
        # mv / /vmunix
        # shutdown -r now
     Oh and thanks Alan for answering my questions on the difference
     between a full installation, update installations and just
     rebuilding the system kernel.
     - A full installation assumes that you have nothing of interest
       installed on the target disk(s) and that you wat to over write
       everything touched by the installation.
     - An update installation takes an existing system and replaces the
       files necessary to bring the system up to the newer version,
       example migrating to V4.0d from V4.0b.
     - Rebuilding the kernel assumes that the kernel configuration has
       changed, or that you want it to change and a new /vmunix is
     I am trying to plug a SCSI tape drive into a 4100 series Alpha server.
     The tape & robotic jukebox device can be seen from the SRM console
     prompt ">>>" but these devices are not visible in multi-user mode.
     SRM Console:
>>>show dev
     jke0. Jke0 TL800 0323 mke500. Mke500
     TZ89 1837
     Multi-user mode:
     #uerf -R -r 300 (* can't see them in the start up events *)
     #scu show edt (* can't see them in the SCU equipment device table *)
     Diagnosis: Scsi bus 4 is not configured in my system kernel.
     Solution: I need advice
     1) Would booting with the generic kernel temporarily solve this
     problem? Are there any gotchas here?
     2) What is the best way to generate a new kernel with support for
     Scsi bus 4.
     I have been comtemplating booting with the generic kernel /genvmunix
     and running doconfig without any options. I would then select the
     configure all menu selection.
     3) Would this generate a new kernel with support for my missing Scsii
     4) What is the difference between a full installation, an update
     installation, and just rebuilding the kernel? The installation manual
     gets a little confusing here. I want to expirement but am unsure of
     which and how many system files may get updated by my expirements with
     the doconfig process.
     Any pointers would be appreciated.
     Thanks - Kevin
     Indiana Department Of Workforce Development (* The Unemployment Office *)
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