[SUMMARY] Get the userid that su'ed to root

From: Gerhard Nolte <gnolte_at_gwdg.de>
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 10:34:54 +0200 (MET DST)

Dear Gurus,

I asked:

> how can I find out the userid, that
> executed the "su -" command.

Thanks to all who answered my question, too many to list the names. As
usual, I learned a lot :)

/var/adm/sialog (touch that file if it does not exist)

                      most recent date here (probably)

Bruce Hines <Bruce.Hines_at_mci.com>:
ps -o user -p $PPID
-if you are using ksh

Jim Smart <jim_at_tsw.com.au> sent me an example of how to find it out
with ps commands:
          8< ---------------- JS -------------------- >8

The first one gets the tty associated

# ps -ef | grep s_up
root 14459 24343 0.0 19:57:54 ttya1 0:00.01 grep s_up
root 30751 6881 0.0 Oct 10 ttypG 0:00.25 sh

This one gets everything associated with the device, most of the time.

# ps -ft ttypG
jim 3730 819 0.0 Oct 06 ttypG 0:00.07 -sh (sh)
root 6881 18103 0.0 Oct 06 ttypG 0:05.49 bash
jim 16159 3730 0.0 Oct 06 ttypG 0:00.10 bash
root 18103 16159 0.0 Oct 06 ttypG 0:00.03 -sh (sh)
root 18195 30751 0.0 19:15:28 ttypG 0:00.01 sleep 3600
root 30751 6881 0.0 Oct 10 ttypG 0:00.25 sh

So in this case , it was me !

You can trace what is happening by using the PID fields. In order ...
<user> <PID> <ParentPID>

So I logged in as jim, bash'ed, su'ed to root, bash'ed, ran a script
and the script is currently sleeping for 3600 seconds
          8< ---------------- JS -------------------- >8

I decided to write a small c-program that did what I want:
          8< ---------------- cut here -------------------- >8
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>

  printf( "%s\n", getlogin());
          8< ---------------- cut here -------------------- >8

Thanks once more to all who respondet.


Gerhard Nolte
Email: gnolte_at_gwdg.de   Voice: +49-551-5176-716  Fax: +49-551-5176-704
MPI fuer Stroemungsforschung, Bunsenstr. 10, 37073 Goettingen, Germany
Received on Tue Oct 13 1998 - 08:35:43 NZDT

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