SUMMARY:root filling up

From: darrell <>
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 11:17:47 +0100

hello managers
loads of replies to this one, sorry about the delay.
dont have original message but basically all i was asking was that my root
directory was filling up.
I never did find the reason but now my root directory is down to 31% and
constant. There were extra files in /dev which i removed but after removing
them it kept increasing again. Then one day it stopped and started falling
again weird but anyway nowits constant at 31%.

1) find / -name core -print
        find / -size +10000 -print
        That will show you any core files in your / filesystem, the second
        will show you any large files that may be removable.

2) Do you have your tmp directory on the same partition as the root file
system, or your syslog and system messages writing to that partition??
I moved my /tmp and /var/adm/spool to other places that the root partition
and found my root directory never growing and staying around 70Meg in

3) First thought: /tmp if mounted under /
What I do generally:
- cd /
- find . +5000k -print
to find all the files larger than 5 Mo. I found this quite useful...

4) use a combination of fuser and du...
well, at some intervals, make an du -k in root directory... so you will see
directory is filling...then, switch to that directory and made some du -k to
isolate which directory
is growing...once you have the growing directory, just make a fuser <path>
fuser will report the PID's of process who are using that directory...
then with an ps -e | grep <PID> you can see which process is writting

5) Check the directory /var/adm, specially the files messages, lastlog
and wtmp.
If necessary remove them with
cat /dev/null > file
Received on Tue Oct 13 1998 - 10:15:58 NZDT

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