Hello managers,
First, Thanks to :
Sidney Pio de Campos, Miguel Fliguer, Merv Weis,
Todd B. Acheso, Balaji Chandrasekar. Michael Matthews,
Bob Jones, Oisin Mc Guinness, Vinzens Esser, Serguei
Patchkovskii, C.Ruhnke, Larry Magnello, Tom Blinn,
Rodrigo Poblete, Nestor Ruiz, Yizhong Zhou, Steve
Johnson, Brenda Ramsey and probably others whose
replies are coming. A long list indeed :-)
Yes, changing hostname in /etc/rc.config effectively change
the hostname BUT after this, at the console appears the
following warning ?:
"The DT messaging system could not be started
1. Choose OK to return to the login screen
2. Select FAilsafe Session
3. Check etc/hosts ....
/etc/hosts seems to be OK.
Any clue, idea, as always will be deeply appreciated
Thanks in advance,
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Received on Wed Oct 14 1998 - 18:39:05 NZDT