Many thanks to the following for the speedy suggestions. Original
posting is listed at the end of this mail:
Most people suggested much the same thing. Trevor Parry added some
useful 'scu' commands so I have included Trevor's mail in its entirity.
Essentially the advice was:
# voldisk list
This should show the disk rze17
# voldisk -g oracledg rm rze17
This should remove the disk from the LSM configuration
and then do your disklabel and add the disk
I can't help much but I've managed to get a disk in that state here, so
I'll be very interested to hear your summary. It was a mirror in a
volume but the plex failed for some reason. I removed the
plex/subdisk/disk from LSM, did various scu reset device, scu reserve
device and then disklabel gave the same errors as you were getting.
Strangely enough I have successfully added it back into
LSM as a mirror for a volume and it is working fine. I wonder if it's
using the memory disklabel though, which could be a problem if the
system ever reboots. I don't know if it would help but you could do a
voldisk list rzthingy to see if that gives any clues.
LSM seemed to have partially added the disk. The disk seems to exist
within LSM but does not belong to any disk group!
# voldisk list
rz16 sliced rz16 oracle online
rz17 sliced rz17 oracle online
rze17 sliced - - online
rze18 sliced rze18 oracle online
Using voldiskadm, it is confirmed that rze17 IS NOT part of the oracle
disk group:
# voldiskadm
Logical Storage Manager Support Operations
Menu: LogicalStorageManager/Disk
3 Remove a disk
? Display help about menu
q Exit from menus
Select an operation to perform: 3
Remove a disk
Menu: LogicalStorageManager/Disk/RemoveDisk
Enter disk name [<disk>,list,q,?] list
Disk group: oracle
dm rze16 rze16 sliced 1024 17768137 /dev/rrze16g
dm rze18 rze18 sliced 1024 17768137 /dev/rrze18g
Enter disk name [<disk>,list,q,?] q
Attempt to remove the disk might or might not have worked from the
following. The 'rm' is unhappy because it cant update the label, and
disklabel cant read the label:
# voldisk rm rze17
voldisk: Warning couldn't update disklabel on rze17
# disklabel -r rze17
Disk is unlabeled or, /dev/rrze17a does not start at block 0 of the disk
However a subsequent 'voldisk list' shows it has in fact gone:
# voldisk list
rze16 sliced rze16 oracle online
rze18 sliced rze18 oracle online
I can now write the default label and can read it:
# disklabel -wr rze17 rze17
# disklabel -r rze17
And the following now works correctly:
#voldiskadd rze17
Which disk group [<group>,none,list,q,?] (default: rootdg) oracle
Enter disk name [<name>,q,?] (default: oracle01) rze17
Continue with operation? [y,n,q,?] (default: y)
Thanks to everybody.
regards - Tony
#####################original posting################################
Any help on the following would be appreciated - DUNIX V4.0D:
I am adding a shed load of disks to an existing LSM disk group. Disks
are off an HSZ70. All disks are visable to the hardware and to the os
(device files have been created).
The scenario is as follows:
1. disklabel -wr rznnn rznnn To write a new disk label
2. voldiskadd rznnn
disk group=oracle
disk name =rznnn
This is repeated for every disk 'in the shed'.
This is fine for all except for one disk - rze17
# voldiskadd rze17
Which disk group [<group>,none,list,q,?] (default: rootdg) oracle
Enter disk name [<name>,q,?] (default: oracle01) rze18
Continue with operation? [y,n,q,?] (default: y)
This fails as follows:
Adding disk device rze17 to disk group oracle as rze18 failed.
Error: voldg: Disk rze18: Name is already used
Because I mis-typed the disk name (the name for the disk within the disk
group). I typed rze18 instead of rze17!
Now this seems to have partially done something, because if I retry
typing things correctly, I get a failure:
Initialize a disk
Menu: LogicalStorageManager/Disk/AddDisk
Initialization of disk device rze17 failed.
rze17 or an overlapping partition is open.
Quitting ....
I thought I would zap the label and write a new one. However the 'wr'
fails but a 'r' says its not labelled/something wrong with the label:
# disklabel -z rze17
# disklabel -wr rze17 rze17
disklabel: ioctl DIOCSDINFO: Open partition would move or shrink
Use alternate partition
But the
# disklabel -r rze17
Disk is unlabeled or, /dev/rrze17a does not start at block 0 of the disk
A 'disklabel -e rze17' returns the following label where 'g' and 'h' are
clearly not the default:
# size offset fstype [fsize bsize cpg]
a: 131072 0 unused 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 -
b: 262144 131072 unused 0 0 # (Cyl. 38*-
c: 17769177 0 unused 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 -
d: 0 0 unused 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 -
e: 0 0 unused 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 -
f: 0 0 unused 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 -
g: 17768153 0 LSMpubl # (Cyl. 0 -
h: 1024 17768153 LSMpriv # (Cyl. 5256*-
If I try and make these 'unused' with a zero start and offset, it wont
let me write the label back:
Partition 'g' is in-use; Cannot modify its size or location.'
re-edit the label? [y]:
dxlsm shows that rze17 is not part of any disk group.
I have tried labelling the disk and specifying a device type, but this
craps out the same way:
# disklabel -wr rze17 rz29
I tried the following (which permits writing to the pack area). This
worked ok (but not sure if I should have done this):
# disklabel -W rze17
An attempt to do a 'disklabel -e rze17' now fails slightly differently:
disklabel: ioctl DIOCWDINFO: No disk label on disk;
use "disklabel -wr" to install initial label
But a 'wr' still fails:
# disklabel -wr rze17 rze17
disklabel: ioctl DIOCSDINFO: Open partition would move or shrink
Use alternate partition
I also tried the following - but still on a looser:
# disklabel -wr -t advfs rze17 rz29
disklabel: ioctl DIOCSDINFO: Open partition would move or shrink
Use alternate partition
Tried to write another disks label, but its still not happy:
# disklabel -R rze17 /tmp/rzf17.label
disklabel: ioctl DIOCWDINFO: No disk label on disk;
use "disklabel -wr" to install initial label
| TONY MILLER - Systems Projects - VODAFONE LTD, Derby House, |
| Newbury Business Park, Newbury, Berkshire. |
| Phone | 01635-507687(local) |
| FAX | 01635-506709(local) |
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in this mail are my own and do not
reflect the company view unless explicitely stated. The information
is provided on an 'as is' basis and no responsibility is accepted for
any system damage howsoever caused.
Received on Thu Oct 15 1998 - 14:39:05 NZDT