Hashed Mail spool and user dirs

From: Gabe Campos <gabriel_at_SuperNet.ca>
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 1998 20:40:52 -0400 (EDT)


        We are currently running a cluster of alphas with a userbase
now exceeding 10,000 users, thus making our user mail spool and home
very big with a lot of directories and files, I was looking into hashing
these but I have a few questions...

Currently all of our user mailboxes are stored in /var/spool/mail/$USER
I was looking at the appropiate sendmail & procmail patches to make
something like /var/spool/mail/f/o/o/$USER, I was wondering if Digital's
pop3 daemon can support such a setup or if I should look into some other

Also the base directory for home is /usr/users/$USER, I would like to
move that to /usr/users/f/o/o/$USER, how much hacking do I have to do
to get this kind of setup working properly, how do I go about hacking
up the useradd/delete scripts, /bin/login and just about anything else
that has to be changed... An other folks on the list running this kind
of setup? Any help would be very appreciated.


Gabriel Campos

Gabriel Campos % gabriel_at_SuperNet.ca <
Network Operations % Delphi SuperNet <
1-888-SUPER-MTL % http://www.supernet.ca/ <
Received on Tue Oct 20 1998 - 00:36:07 NZDT

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