My original question:
>I have installed tcp_wrappers on my system 4.0.a-d. The problem
>is once tcpwrappers is installed, I don't have a banner on console terminal.
>If I telnet, ftp my banners are fine.
>If I add /etc/issue to the system I get console banner.
>Except now I also get two banners when I telnet.
from Eric Gatenby of Thank you Eric! It works! :-)
touch /etc/ (should be empty)
The telnetd daemon should print out (nothing) and it should display the login
prompt. The default behavior of telnetd is to look for if not found
print /etc/issue.
I then copied /etc/banners.allow/telnetd.orig /etc/banners.allow/telnetd
Received on Tue Oct 27 1998 - 19:53:57 NZDT