Hello all!
I previously ask you the following problem:
> I have to install a HP Laserjet 4M+ on an Alpha1000 server with DU
> v4.0b.
> The printer has JetDirect Ethernet card, is named pavo1
> (pavo1.u-bourgogne.fr) and already has an IP address.
> How must I do in details to install it, launch daemon printer, ... ??
I would like to thank lots of people (Paul Watson, Francoise Gazelle,
Valentin Nakov, Lucio Chiappetti, Mireille BOF, Flamand Laurent, Daniel
Clar and Stan Horwitz) for their help!
I have add the remote printer in the /etc/hosts : pavo1.u-bourgogne.fr pavo1 # Imprimante HP
Laserjet 4M+
then add this line in the /etc/services :
hp4m 9100/tcp # JetDirect ethernet card
and then create the /etc/printcap file :
######################### Begin Of File #####################
# remote network HP printer (postscript)
# remote network HP printer (ASCII)
######################### End Of File #######################
Finally I have start the printer line daemon :
/usr/lbin/lpd start
And then enable the printer :
lpc start all
That s all!
Thank you all again.
Florent VEJUX
IUT de Dijon
Received on Fri Nov 06 1998 - 14:59:58 NZDT