SUMMARY: svc.conf

From: Per Boussard T/VU <>
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 11:35:56 +0100 (MET)

My apologies to you all for not reading the manual.

The svc.conf file has the group and passwd entries only for backward
compatibility. This is said in the man-page for svcsetup and also shown
when you run the svcsetup script (/usr/sbin/svcsetup). Nothing is
mentioned in the man-page for svc.conf nor in the template svc.conf file
delivered with the system. I think this is a point where the system could
be improved. If I may say so.

My error was to assume that this file was an analogue to nsswitch.conf
found in solaris-systems, which obsoletes the use of the ugly +: line in
local files.

It should be noted that modifications to /etc/group and /etc/passwd
(adding/removing the +: line) take effect immediately. No reboot is
needed. Not even running mkpasswd is needed. This is also true for the
changes in svc.conf that really are effective, such as the hosts entry.

Unresolved issues:

The man-page for svcsetup also mentions that the order of authentication
for passwd and group is now the responsibility of SIA (Security
Integration Architecture). I must admit that I'm rather clueless about the
workings of this SIA-animal, save for the hints I get from the man-pages
and the config-files in /etc/sia. But this is not a problem I have to
solve now, and I consider the case closed.

Special thanks to (in no particular order)

Spider Boardman <spider_at_Orb.Nashua.NH.US>
Sean O'Connell <sean_at_stat.Duke.EDU>
Lucio Chiappetti <>

Per Boussard, KI/ERA/T/VU          Office: +46 8 404 55 11
UNIX System Administrator          Fax: +46 8 757 55 50
Ericsson Radio Systems AB          Home: +46 8 570 349 67
S-164 80 STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN         Email:
Received on Wed Nov 11 1998 - 10:36:54 NZDT

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