Unixupgrade to 4.0D with Kzpsa firmware A11

From: <georg.tasman_at_db.com>
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 11:54:31 +0100

(687.1 8-4-1998)) id 412566B9.003BE5D8 ; Wed, 11 Nov 1998 11:54:14 +0100
X-Lotus-FromDomain: ZENTRALE_at_DEUBAINT

Dear managers,

we have an alphaserver with DUX 4.0B.
We want to upgrade this server to Dux 4.0D. Our rootdisks are attachted
with KZPSAs with firmware A11.
I just want to do a normal update and then installation of the patchkit 2.
Is firmware supported in the base sets or do i get problems with the update ?
What is the best way for this update ? Do i have to downgrade the kzpsa's first

Thank you for all answers
   Georg Tasman
Received on Wed Nov 11 1998 - 10:55:45 NZDT

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