With many thanks to Gary Gladney, H. Blakely Williford, Jim Jones and Owen
Connolly, the answer is NO, there is no any way to allow LAT through an
AltaVista firewall on DEC Unix from the external to the internal network.
For those that were curious, we have a firewall WITHIN our network,
protecting one box, and LAT connections on the outside of the firewall with
a requirement to get in. As I said, less than ideal ... hopefully we will
not have to deal with LAT for that much longer. Anyone want to donate lots
of money to a technology fund at a wonderful little private, higher
education institution in Central PA? :) We'll name our network after you
... The <Insert Name Here> Network ...
Sorry, couldn't resist. Again, thanks to those who replied.
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
% Sheryl A. Lemma Internet: lemma_at_lvc.edu %
% Assistant Director Voice: (717)867-6060 %
% Administrative Computing FAX: (717)867-6019 %
% %
% L E B A N O N V A L L E Y C O L L E G E %
% %
% DEC Unix 3.2d/4.0D, Coll: Live 16, Dev 16, Ben: Live 4.3, Dev 5.0 %
% %
% Visit my Personal Web Page at %
http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4407/ %
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% Never underestimate the power of a smile! %
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Received on Mon Nov 16 1998 - 14:30:32 NZDT