Hello all!
I previously wrote:
> > We have a server Alpha 1000 with DU V4.0b. We have constated several
> > times that some dtpad processes take a lot of % of CPU whitout any
> > apparent reasons... The process is launched whith:
> > /bin/sh -c /usr/dt/bin/dtpad
> > and then it creates a process 'dtpad -server'
> >
> > When we close this editor and then restarts it, the problem disappears!
> > And the other processes of dtpad take more % of CPU than before????
> >
> > Do you see where can it come from?
Marie-Claude Vialatte replied me that, because of some problems, she
has renounced to use dtpad. That s why, on her suggestion, I installed
Florent VEJUX
IUT de Dijon
Received on Wed Nov 18 1998 - 10:54:09 NZDT