NFS root/readwrite/readonly exports ?

From: jason andrade <>
Date: Sat, 21 Nov 1998 14:50:15 +1000 (EST)


is it possible to export an nfs filesystem so that

o some hosts have read/write access, with root=0
o some hosts have read only access

e.g a filesystem called /fs

on host foo, it needs to be nfs mounted, read/write and have client
root access

on host bar, it needs to be nfs mounted, read only

i haven't got either, or both to work together, e.g

/fs -root=foo,access=bar

this doesn't seem to allow host foo, root write level.. writes
are done as the user `nobody' on both host foo and bar.

i haven't been able to come up with an exports format that allows
the same filesystem to be exported read only to some hosts and
read-write to others.


 jason andrade       dstc pty ltd     
 senior sysadmin     level 7, GPS Building 78   i just wanna be         
 phn +61-7-33654307  university of queensland   bluemisty
 fax +61-7-33654311  queensland 4072 australia  and barefooted  
Received on Sat Nov 21 1998 - 04:51:16 NZDT

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