Sendmail configuration question.

From: Zbigniew, Ignatowicz <>
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 1998 12:51:43 -0500

Hi all,

We are running sendmail 8.8.8., DU 4.0d., majordomo 1.94.4. Some
clients do not receive e-mail from our system. Their systems complain
about our "From" header
I am getting few bounces a day like this one or very similar.

... while talking to
>>> DATA
<<< 554 Syntactically invalid address for from field
'<SCC-JTC1_Forum_at__at_>' (this message was given by the destination server,
not by MailShield)

It looks like sendmail appends another _at_ for all e-mails leaving our
I commented out the option in, thought it would help. It did
not help majordomo users.

# name exported on external Internet mail
The mail hub and majordomo e-mail are on the same server. Aliases
database is treated as local.

Thanks in advance

Received on Mon Nov 23 1998 - 17:58:02 NZDT

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