Under ksh, .profile is not executed in xterms

From: <lebrun_at_lasm0b.astrsp-mrs.fr>
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 1998 11:54:12 +0000

Hi all,
Well, the subject is self-explainatiry, the .profile is correctly executed in
dtterms, but not in xterms. I include it below for checking

Thanks in advance

Vincent Le Brun

| Vincent LE BRUN |
| L.A.S du C.N.R.S. |
| B.P. 8 |
| 13376 MARSEILLE CEDEX 12 |
| Tel: (33-4) 91 05 69 78 |
| Fax: (33-4) 91 66 18 55 |
| email: lebrun_at_lasa13.astrsp-mrs.fr |
| http://www.astrsp-mrs.fr/www_root/private/vlebrun/vlebrun.html |

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# _at_(#)$RCSfile: .profile,v $ $Revision: $ (DEC) $Date: 1995/06/02
21:10:58 $
export PATH
if [ ! "$DT" ]; then
        stty dec
        tset -I -Q
PS1="`hostname`> "
export VISUAL=emacs
export PRINTER=qms0ps
alias ls='ls -al'
alias rm='rm -i'
alias qms0ps='lpr -Pqms0ps'
alias qmscou='lpr -Pqmscou'
alias dir='ls -alx | more'
alias ddir='ls | grep dr'
alias dvips2='dvips -o \!*.ps \!* '
alias dvipsl='dvips -t landscape '
alias dvipsl2='dvips -t landscape -o \!*.ps \!* '
alias for='f77 -o \!*.exe \!*.for '
alias fmid='f77 -o ~/bin/\!*.exe \!*.for $MIDPATH/lib/libmidas.a '
alias gho='ghostview -a4 -quiet \!*.ps &'
alias ghol='ghostview -a4 -landscape \!*.ps &'
alias home='cd $home'
alias lo='logout'
alias log='vi ~/midwork/FORGR11.LOG'
alias mid='cd ~/midwork'
alias ne='cd ../\!*'
alias up='cd ..'
alias rename='~/bin/rename'

#config de TEX
. /data/soft/tex/local/lib/texmf/bin/texenv.sh

umask 022 # protection standart des fichiers crees

Received on Fri Nov 27 1998 - 10:53:59 NZDT

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