[Summary] Upgrade question

From: Gyula Szemenyei <szemgy_at_rkk.hu>
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 1998 12:10:13 +0100 (MET)

Dear Managers,

I'm sorry for my late summary but I was too busy.

My original question was:
> Currently we are running DU 4.0b and we are planning a new install of
> 4.0d this weekend without major changing of configuration. We compiled
> dozens of software packages under 4.0b: e.g. gcc2.8.1,
> libstd++,sendmail8.9, bind4.9.7, qpop2.53, samba, groff1.11,
> apache1.3.1 with sevaral modules, mysql3.21.29, postgresql6.1.1,etc.
> May we install them without recompilation? If not, which softwares
> need (suggested) new build?

Thanks for everyone who replied:

Richard Bemrose <rb237_at_phy.cam.ac.uk>
Antonio Urbano <a.urbano_at_mailcity.com>
Judith Reed <jreed_at_wukon.appliedtheory.com>
Richard L Jackson Jr <rjackson_at_portal.gmu.edu>
Tim Winders <twinders_at_SPC.cc.tx.us>
Martin Mokrejs <mmokrejs_at_natur.cuni.cz>
Brian Harvey <bharvey_at_raven.phs.com>
Cory Erickson <ericksco_at_mhd1.moorhead.msus.edu>

The solution:

If you plan *minor upgrade* you shouldn't need to recompile public
domain packages, but it's recommended to re-install via "make install"
most of them.

Anyway, I recompiled gcc and libstd++ because I found some directories
named with current DU version.

Best Regards,
     Gyula Szemenyei
Received on Fri Nov 27 1998 - 11:12:10 NZDT

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