This list is _amazing_; and as yesterday was Thanksgiving Day
in the USA, it certainly makes me say Thank You to all even
more fervently... Your responses, even during a holiday here,
were quick and complete!
Original question:
>Hi! We just recently bought a used AlphaStation 200 for software
>development and are trying to hook it on our network. There is
>a built in Ethernet port that uses the "tulip" card, and a device
>"tu0". When the system boots, it always says that is is using
>the twisted pair interface, but we use thin coax where this box
>will be located. I spent several hours in man pages and doing
>web searches, trying to find the way to change this card to 10base2,
>including looking for jumpers on the board. But no luck.
If the card is jumpered correctly already, all that needs
to be done is:
You have to set this at the SRM (console level)
shutdown -h now
when you get the >>> prompt
>>> set ewa0_mode bnc
>>> init
(if you want to see the option available, just do
set ewa0_mode bogus ... it'll tell you all of options
note: this card can't do autosense or fast or fastfd)
You may also need to change card settings if the card is a
DE425. Here's how:
(1) set the block jumper (large blue block) on the card.
- Thickwire (Selects also Twisted pair)
- Thinwire
(2) set the ECU [eisa config utility] setting for
Network mode.
(i) >>> runecu [ place ecu diskette in floppy ]
-EISA Configuration Utility-
(ii) SELECT STEP 3 - View Edit Details -
(iii) Use down Arrow to get to EtherWORKS Turbo ,
and then to "Network Mode" just below.
(iv) Push Enter to edit this setting and it will
produce a menu to edit.
Use the up down arrow to select the mode
There was one user who mentioned the setting below
on their card! We did not need it...
"AUI (10base5) thickwire"
( YES, this is not a mistake to get thin you have
to set it to thickwire .... crazy I know )
(v) Exit out using F10 until you reach the main
menu. Then select "save and Exit"
(3) set the ewa0_mode console setting, as above.
Thanks to:
Graham Allan
Sean O'Connell"
Todd B. Acheson
Thomas Leitner
Jim Surlow
Oisin McGuinness
Sudhir Rao
Randy Rodgers
Don Newcomer
Nestor Ruiz
qingbo wu
Pirie Hart
Russell Berger
Yung Shing Gene
Girish Phadke
Valentin Nakov
Gerhard Nolte
Bertrand Hutin
lombardi emanuele
Paul Watson
Dejan Muhamedagic
Anthony Patchett
Bob Vickers
Cory Erickson
| Computronics Randy Styka, |
| 4N165 Wood Dale Road Phone: 630/941-7767 |
| Addison, Illinois 60101 USA Fax: 630/941-7714 |
Received on Fri Nov 27 1998 - 21:51:03 NZDT