I have been looking around to find out what SPECULATIVE optimization
is. As far as I can see, one can ask the compiler to generate code
that tries to "precompute" values that it thinks will be needed
soon. This may cause FPU traps and violations which in this case
will be ignored by the system (???) It doesn´t take extra time to
do this because only "idle" instructions are used to "speculate"
Lars Bro lbr_at_dksin.dk
ABB Daimler-Benz Transportation Signal A/S +45 36 39 01 77
attached mail follows:
The original message was received at Fri, 4 Dec 1998 11:15:34 +0100
from daemon_at_localhost
----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
----- Transcript of session follows -----
550 <alpha-osf-managers>... User unknown
554 /no/such/directory/dead.letter... cannot open /no/such/directory/dead.letter: No such file or directory
attached mail follows:
I have been looking around to find out what SPECULATIVE optimization
is. As far as I can see, one can ask the compiler to generate code
that tries to "precompute" values that it thinks will be needed
soon. This may cause FPU traps and violations which in this case
will be ignored by the system (???) It doesn´t take extra time to
do this because only "idle" instructions are used to "speculate"
Anybody knows what it is ?
Lars Bro lbr_at_dksin.dk
ABB Daimler-Benz Transportation Signal A/S +45 36 39 01 77
- message/delivery-status attachment: stored
Received on Fri Dec 04 1998 - 10:26:28 NZDT