I had complained about the the follwing error from make:
Make: Makefile: Must be a separator on line 241. Stop.
Thanks to:
"Sean O'Connell" <sean_at_stat.Duke.EDU>
Martin Mokrejs <mmokrejs_at_natur.cuni.cz>
Arrigo Triulzi <arrigo_at_albourne.com>
All of whom had excellent suggestions:
The consensus opinon was that by patching the sources by hand I made the
error of replacing tabs with spaces, and also perhaps included unintended
I fixed things by doing what I should have done before. I paid closer
attention to Ben Laurie's documentation supplied with the patches to make
apache into apache-SSL. I got copies of gnu-make and gnu-patch which I used
on the sources rather than using the Digital supplied make and patch.
At this point, apache-SSL seems to have built OK.
Testing it will have to wait for later
So thanks again,
Bruce B. Platt, Ph.D.
Comport Consulting Corporation
78 Orchard Street, Ramsey, NJ 07446
Phone: 201-236-0505 Fax: 201-236-1335
bbp_at_comport.com, bruce_at_ bruce.platt_at_
Received on Wed Dec 09 1998 - 21:55:06 NZDT