SUMMARY: Migrating to NSR 5.2 : the war story continues

From: Daniel Clar <>
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 11:49:44 +0100

The original posting was :
> hello Managers,
> I've experienced another horror story.
> The previous night one of the temporary key has expired but the definitive
> keys were already in place.
> The problem is that these keys are not sufficient to let the product work
> and that my backups were not done.
> With nwadmin, the message is :
> "Fri 15:54:54 registration info event: Server is disabled update enabler
> required"
> With the automatic mail, the error message was :
> "Digital Networker Registration : (notice) License enabler #EXT-GEMS-.....
> (Update/GEMS) has expired"
> The information I've got 2 monthes ago was that a GEMS license was not
> necessary.
> Take care if you upgrade to 5.2

Thank you to those who tried to help me and to the French CSC who sent
me the answer given by the engineering :

Let's begin by deinstalling and reinstalling NetWorker
on this system.

        a. Remove the NetWorker kit from this server, but leave the
           configuration files when the de-installer asks.

        b. Edit the nsr.res file to remove ALL entries that have
           to do with licensing.

        c. Triple check that there is NO NetWorker LMF licenses on
            this server
        d. Reinstall NetWorker.

NetWorker should come up in evaluation mode. If it does not, then
STOP! Find out why not.

If NetWorker does come up in evaluation mode then step the customer
through entering the NetWorker Server enablers and authorization codes.


Received on Thu Dec 10 1998 - 10:49:57 NZDT

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