Problem with program using more than 1gig of memory

From: <>
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 16:02:32 +1100 (EST)

Hi all,

We've recently received delivery of an 8400 with 4 CPUs and 6 gig of
memory for an upcoming SAP implementation. In the weeks before it is to
be "SAPized" we though we'd "lend" it to a research user who wishes to run
some large jobs.

The user has a fortran77 program (originally writen on an SGI) that
compiles and runs fine when the virtual size in memory is less than 1GB.
When the program is recompiled so that the virtual size is greater than
1GB, the program compiles fine but they get an error when they try to
launch the program.

The error is: /sbin/loader: Fatal Error: cannot map Main

They have tried recompiling with f90, and the -non_shared flag with no

The machine is a Digital Alpha 8400 with 6GB RAM running Digital UNIX
V4.0D (no patches). I have upped the values of dfldsiz, maxdsiz, dflssiz
and maxssiz in the kernel (and rebuilt and rebooted). I have also
increased the values of vm-maxvas, vm-maxwire, per-proc-address-space,
per-proc-data-size, per-proc-stack-size (and their corresponing "max"
attributes) in sysconfigtab and rebooted, all to no avail. Any further
suggestion are most welcome.


        Andrew Moar : Ph +61 3 9479 1505  email
          Unix Environment Manager, Information Technology Services
                    La Trobe University, Melbourne
Received on Wed Dec 16 1998 - 05:03:33 NZDT

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