As usual, this list is the best....
I am able to execute and log into svrmgrm. I am having other problems,
(monitor function core dumps) but that's another story.
Paul Grant of PGRANT _at_ replied...
"Forget svrmgrm
Svrmgrl is the best for startup issues.
You should really use Oracle Enterprise Manager for some of the extended
functionality found in svrmgrm...
Please note that svrmgrm is officially desupported and it looks as if
svrmgrl will go in 8.1...
There are a couple of things to check below that will get things working
however I'll be kind and just suggest that you use OEM and enjoy the newer
better functionality...
If you really want to have svrmgrm then check the following:
Verify that the "nls" directory exists by doing the following:
1. Change locations to the "X11" directory
% cd /usr/lib/X11
2. Verify that the "nls" directory exists
% ls
3. If the "nls" directory is not there, create it
% mkdir nls
1. Login as "root"
2. Change locations to the "X11" directory
# cd /usr/lib/X11
3. Edit the "Xserver.conf" file by adding the following
information at the end of the file
! you specify command line arguments here
args <
-vclass0 PseudoColor
4. Save and exit the "Xserver.conf" file
5. Restart the Xserver
o If you have upgraded from 3.2 and get this error try:
[ % mv /usr/shlib/ /usr/shlib/libXimp.so_old
[ and rerun server manager.
[ o This was a leftover library from X11R5, - Unix 4.0 uses X11R6
Let me know how you get on.....
Regards from Scotland
Paul W Grant"
... The nls and Xserver.conf worked for me.
Original Posting:
I'm using DU4.0b and Oracle server 7.3.4 on a Alpha 1000A.
When I try to start the Motif Oracle server manager, svrmgrm, I get
"TK2-00001: an undefined oracle Toolkit II failure occurred".
This seems to be the same problem reported by Tomas Kalinauskas on
13 Jun 1998, but there was no SUMMARY.
Anyone have a suggested fix?
Received on Thu Dec 17 1998 - 21:53:20 NZDT