SUMMARY: ISDN on turbochannel Alphas?

From: Steve Thompson <>
Date: Fri, 02 Jan 1998 15:30:11 -0500 (EST)

On Mon, 29 Dec 1997 I asked:

> Has anyone made use of the ISDN port on the turbochannel alphas? Did
> DEC's rumored support ever show up? (perhaps as part of their X.25
> products?) I'd appreciate stories or pointers. Thanks.

I received two replies; thanks to:

        Tom Leitner
        Charles M. Richmond

----------From Tom ---------------------------------------------------------
I've tested it once and managed to get it going. We have a DEC 3000/600
and I've connected it to our ISDN PBX using the EuroISDN protocol. You
need to install the X.25 and WAN software and you can get PPP over ISDN
then. However I've only tested the basic functionality of the ISDN
interface and not the PPP over ISDN stuff. I don't know what encapsulation
they use for that anyway and if its compatible with some other big player
in the market (Cisco for example).

----------From Charles---------------------------------------------------------
I used ISDN on a 3000/300X. It is part of the X.25 subset and it had the
following 'features' (some good/some bad):

1. Only one data channel could be used. No mppp or bonding.

2. The variety of featuring was quite good but did not include synchronous
   ppp (120) although ordinary asynch ppp worked fine.

3. The free phone s/w allowed the use of a handset connected to the rear
   telco handset jack. (very cool)

4. The X.25 s/w turned the db25 tty port into synchronous only, so no h/w
   flow control modem could be hooked up unless the modem's serial could be
   switched to synchronous. (admittedly that would run faster than the tty
   line will run asynch)

Caveat - This was on either 3.0 or an early 3.2. I don't know the current
state of things. (presumably improved)

Steve Thompson Internet:
_at_ Corning, Inc. Phone: (607) 974 2659
Data Center, Sullivan Park FAX: (607) 974 3964
Painted Post, NY 14870
    "186,300 miles per second: it's not just a good idea, it's the law"
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