SUMMARY: AS 4000 5/300 CPUs

From: Tim Mooney <>
Date: Mon, 05 Jan 1998 01:06:06 -0600 (CST)

I received responses to my original question (which is included after my sig)

        Brian Wood <>
        Christophe Wolfhugel <>
        Tom Webster <>
        "Dr. Tom Blinn, 603-884-0646" <>
        Ed Murphy <>
        "ram.rao" <>
        Chris Jankowski <>

My thanks to each of them! Their replies were all quite helpful.

As I suspected, the CPU boards from an AS 4000/4100 can *not* be used in a
different model AlphaServer (e.g. a 2100A, 8200, etc). Even if they could be
used in a different model machine, Chris Jankowski pointed out that I may have
a new concern -- licensing issues.

Tom Webster and Ed Murphy touched on a subjet I had not considered -- pulling
the CPUs off the CPU boards and populating CPU boards of a different
form-factor with them. Ed indicated that it's the CPU board itself (and not
the CPU) that makes up the lion's share of the cost of the overall board, so
this option probably isn't worthwhile either since I would need to have an
unpopulated CPU board of some other form-factor handy before I could try it.

As usual, Tom Blinn's reply was excellent, so I'm including it here in full:
>Tim, I checked with my colleague who knows the various server systems quite
>well, and he says that those CPU cards are only used in one other system,
>and that they are the slow speed for that system as well, so unless you'd
>happen to find someone who's self-maintenance and wanted your old CPUs as
>spares, they're not very marketable.
>We'd normally sell a 304XR-BW upgrade package for the swap you did, at a
>lower price, and if that's what you bought, you're supposed to return the
>old CPU cards as part of the deal. If you just bought the new cards at the
>full price using part number KN304-BA, then there's no pre-adjusted trade in
>price in effect, as far as I know. You might ask your sales rep or reseller
>about returning the used cards to Digital for credit.

I'm currently pursuing getting some type of credit from our local salesperson
for return of the two older CPU boards.

Tim Mooney                    
Information Technology Services         (701) 231-1076 (Voice)
Room 242-J1, IACC Building              (701) 231-8541 (Fax)
North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105-5164
My original question:
>Anyone know where else, besides an AS 4000/4100, I could use one or both
>of the 5/300 CPUs (KN304-AA) that I pulled out of an AS4000?
>I pulled two 5/300 CPUs out of an AlphaServer 4000 and put two 5/400s in,
>leaving me with two 5/300 CPUs without a home.  I would like to use these
>some place else, but we currently don't have any other 4000 or 4100 machines
>on site.  For various Red Tape reasons, it would be nigh on impossible for
>us to sell them (it would probably be *more* acceptable for me to drill holes
>in the boards and hang them in my office).
>I've had 0 luck getting anyone from Digital or a Digital reseller to tell
>me if there are any other AlphaServer (or AlphaStation) machines these CPUs
>are supported in (or even will work in).  This list is my last resort.  Any
>Thanks much!
Received on Mon Jan 05 1998 - 08:06:16 NZDT

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