wu-ftpd... SUMMARY...

From: PHETPHONE D CHANTHAVONG <CHANTHP_at_cliffy.polaroid.com>
Date: Wed, 07 Jan 1998 10:41:38 -0500

     Thanks to all who replies (Tom,Martin,George,Beckers & Jim)
     Great help...

     The solution to my problem is to update the wu-ftpd to a newer
     version "academ" wu-ftpd-2.4.2-beta-13 with the patch that support
     DU & C2 security.

______________________________ Forward Header __________________________________
Subject: wu-ftpd
Author: CHANTHP_at_cliffy.polaroid.com (PHETPHONE D CHANTHAVONG) at INET
Date: 1/6/98 3:14 PM

     Hello OSF-Managers,
     Has someone have seen this problem before??
     I have a Digital UNIX V4.0b system running wu-ftpd (FTP server
     (version wu-2.4(3)). It was working and the FTP users can logged
     in to the system just fine.
     Then, I installed C2 security and configured to ENHANCED mode by
     running 'secsetup' command and then rebooted the system. After
     that all the FTP users cannot login to the system. Is anyone knows
     why?? and how do I fix it?
Received on Wed Jan 07 1998 - 16:44:33 NZDT

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