Subject - Help with Exceed on Dec Unix v4.0b

From: <>
Date: Wed, 07 Jan 1998 12:49:05 -0800

I'm a newbie Unix Sys-admin with about 2 months experience so please
don't flame me. I've had 2 classes the admin class and utilites and cmds
and really like this system.
My problem well my current problem anyways:
I've got 2 systems a Dec Alpha 4100 and a Dec Alpha 8200 both running Dec
Unix v 4.0b I've installed and am running Exceed from my Win95 work station
with no problems at all with CDE with the 4100 system, however the 8200 is
giving me fits.
I've been working with Hummingbird Tech Support and they are telling me
that I need xdm to be up and running for CDE to work correctly.
 I looked at the 4100 and using ps -ef | grep xdm I don't see this task yet
it works on the 4100. This leads me to beleive that I don't need xdm is
that a correct assumption?
The intresting part of this is CDE environment subsets were not installed
on the 8200 as there are no graphical devices like the 4100 has. So I
installed the entire CDE subset and looked at them via the setld -i cmd and
they all show installed. Is there any graphical subset's that are required
to run CDE or is that firmware command from >>> prompt required to set
console graphic required or ???? something else on the UNIX side.
Hummingbird tech support claims that everything is set up and should be
working on the client side (my Win95 workstation).
Thank You
Received on Wed Jan 07 1998 - 21:47:59 NZDT

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