Summary: Rescuing a AdvFS domain with one crashed disk.

From: Fredrik Palm <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 11:07:17 +0100

This list is just the greatest, it really came through for me.

Original question:

What I have/did have is/was a DU v4.0b system with a AdvFS domain consisting of
3 volumes. Since this is sort of a public scratch area, so backups are kept to
a minimum.

Now, one of the volumes in this domain crashed. Trying to access it or the
domain just gives you a lot of CAM errors etc. Since this crashed volume was
the last one added to the domain and haven't done any manual balancing, I'm
hoping that the amount of data stored on that specific disk in relation to the
total amount is relatively small.

In my attempts to rescue what can be rescued, I've tried to unlink the pointer
in /etc/fdmns and used mount/verify/rmvol/etc. in different combinations but to
no avail. All it ever says is that it expects three disks but that there are
only pointer to two or gives you CAM errors.

So, my question is, is there a way to rescue the information on the two
remaining disks ?


Many thanks to all who replied and suggested different solutions using advscan,
vchkdir and verify. Sorry to say, none of them worked.

Then came the magic reply from Dr. Tom Blinn <> who informed
me that there is a DEC developed utility called salvage that might be of use.
It really was... useful that is. If there is such a thing as a list over
divine utilities, salvage has got to be right up there among the top 5. It
picked up all (as far as I can see) the files off of the two working disks. It
did it right off of the block devices.

The people who replied were (in no particular order):
John Becker <>
David Warren <>
Christian Miranda <>
Dr. Tom Blinn <>
Yaacov Fenster <>
Dejan Muhamedagic <>

Thank you all for your time and effort and specially to Dr. Tom Blinn.

Fredrik Palm Email:
Svenska Handelsbanken Phone: +46-8-7011789
CDCT Fax: +46-8-7013145
106 70 Stockholm
Received on Thu Jan 15 1998 - 11:08:40 NZDT

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