SUMMARY:3.2g to 4.0b upgrade problem

From: Cox Mark <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 08:20:00 -0500 (EST)

Thanks to all that responded to the following message:

After upgrading a ALPHA station 500/333 from 3.2g to 4.0a and finally to
4.0b the CDE no longer comes up at bootup and none up the dt* applications
will run. The latest patches , a Powerstorm 4d40t module, and the
appropriate Open3D software were all installed . Another box is running fine
with this same hardware/software config. upgraded in the same manor.

When an application is started (dtcalc for example) the following message is
generated: 940:dtcalc: /sbin/loader: Fatal Error: cannot map
another example:
 968:dtbuilder: /sbin/loader: Fatal Error: cannot map

any suggestion?

     Mark Cox

After reinstalling the Open3d software (for a third time) and upgrading to
the lastest firmware, all the dt* application seemed to mysteriously be
working but, still no CDE.
The problem was finally found in /sbin/rc3.d . After removing this link...
S96cde-->../init.d/cde everything worked as it should.

Thanks to Knut Helleb, Dr. Thomas P. Blinn, and Declan Lennon for your help.
Their responses are as follows:

I'd doublecheck the Open3D installation and the licenses.
Then I would search for in /usr/.smdb./* to see which
subset this file is in and then reinstall this subset only. If this
doesn't help, try reinstalling all CDE subsets.
Also, make sure the runtime lib for C++ is installed (many applications
nowadays depend on it, you'll need it sooner or later).
Knut Helleb
 would review the installation logs (in /var/adm/smlogs & /var/adm/update)
to make sure that everything really installed.
The errors you describe sound like the "dt" applications are failing because
some or all of the shared libraries they need are not installed.
You can also use "setld -i" to check whether the system management software
thinks all the subsets are loaded; you may need to deinstall and reinstall
the CDE runtime software, since it sounds like the update didn't work as it
should have for that part of the kit.
Dr. Thomas P. Blinn
 don't have access right now to our UNIX box to verify this, but it
looks to me that you're missing the OSFCDEMIN subset, which is on the
UNIX O/S CD. It's strange though that it wouldn't have been installed
during the upgrade, as it's mandatory for systems with graphics
Declan Lennon
Received on Thu Jan 15 1998 - 14:21:33 NZDT

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