With reference to my "dd" problem on DAT TLZ06 (firmware rev. 4BQE attached to
DU 3.2 ; no problem with older firmware revisions now unavailable ; see my
postings of Dec 22 and Jan 8), DEC has decided to replace the TLZ06 unit
with a TLZ09 (currently under test).
If they proceed to the replacement, since it's likely I won't be left with a
manual for the new unit, is there any difference between TLZ06 and TLZ09 I
should be aware of ? In particular :
- TLZ06 handled DAT cassettes up to 90 m : what about TLZ09 ?
- TLZ06 was seen as /dev/nrmt0l (2 GB capacity)
and /dev/nrmt0h (4 GB, i.e. compressed)
any difference with TLZ09 (triple density or other funnies) ?
Lucio Chiappetti - IFCTR/CNR - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info :
Received on Tue Jan 20 1998 - 16:42:56 NZDT