DU 4.0D

From: Ronald D. Bowman <rdbowma_at_tsi.clemson.edu>
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 1998 13:31:39 -0500

Hello Managers -

This is a follow up to the posting about DU4.0D on Monday by Dr. Blinn.
I do not know if this has been posted before, but this
is the information I just discovered today from talking
with Digital.
This information applies to those managers who will
have to buy the DU4.0D upgrade, or the license upgrade.

First, the web page address that lists all the licenses,
upgrades, etc with prices is:


you can get there from their main web page, but I did not see
anything direct. It took me a few minutes of hunting around to
finally find the page above.

Second, If you have DU V4.0x, then the DU4.0D O/S upgrade can be ordered
by calling 1-800-344-4825 and ask for DEC Direct(you will not need a license
upgrade). The part number is

        QA-MT4AA-H8 The cost is $395
This number is the 4th entry from the bottom of the web page given above.

The above information is provided to help, but I would suggest
that if you are unsure of what to do that you investigate further on
your own.

Ron Bowman
Techno-Sciences, Inc.
Received on Thu Jan 22 1998 - 19:31:50 NZDT

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