Original question:
I am looking at using Amanda from University of Maryland for backing up 2 2100s
and a bunch of PCs to some TLZ7L tape stackers on the 2100s. Any comments about
Amanda would be great.
Answers from:
Randy Dees [rrd_at_amherst.com]
Joel N. Squire [squire_at_frodo.colorado.edu]
Brian Harvey [bharvey_at_raven.phs.com]
G. Dimitoglou [george_at_esa.nascom.nasa.gov]
Dave Sill [de5_at_sws5.ctd.ornl.gov]
The responses were all positive and said it worked great but cautioned to use
the latest versions and that setup was a bit tricky. They also pointed me to
some Amanda sites which I had found but I wanted DU'ers experiences.
The sites were www.amanda.org for a web page and amanda-users_at_cs.umd.edu and
amanda-users-request_at_cs.umd.edu for a mailing list.
So I suppose I will embark on the road to becoming Amandaized which should make
an Amandaite or should it be an Amandaerian.:)
Received on Thu Jan 22 1998 - 22:41:56 NZDT