Thanks to: (Tom Blinn) (Lance ?)
Who indicated that this was a memory sizing problem. (actually, the
exact same error occurs when the memory boards are pulled completely.)
I'd already reseated the memory trees, however, swapping out trees from
another 3000/400 and subsequently swapping SIMMs on a failing tree indicated
a failed tree board (MMB - Memory Mother Board)
Now i just have to remember/find the info on upgrading the firmware to
Rev X, replacing the PAL, then continuing the firwmare update, argh.
Stephen Dowdy - Systems Administrator - CS Dept - Univ of Colorado, Boulder - 303-492-6196 -
"Team Spam Forever" (A division of Beatrice) { NO cold Sales Calls !!! }
Received on Tue Jan 27 1998 - 20:56:33 NZDT