(unknown charset) Summary: Very slow TCP/IP response

From: (unknown charset) Benjie Gandionco <benjie_at_cbax02.fairchildsemi.com>
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 09:27:28 +0800

Thanks for all your responses, some of which came within an hour after I
sent the message. This list has not let me down so far!

The problem was with the BIND/hosts setup. We just switched to new IP
addresses which were not in the DNS or hosts file yet. The system tried to
resolve incoming Telnet, POP3, or FTP accesses to their host names which it
could not find. Our interim solution is to manually add those addresses to
the hosts file.

How can I setup BIND such that the server will not resolve incoming IP


-----Original Message-----
From: Benjie Gandionco <benjie_at_cbax02.fairchildsemi.com>
To: alpha-osf-managers_at_ornl.gov <alpha-osf-managers_at_ornl.gov>
Date: Tuesday, January 27, 1998 11:51 AM
Subject: Very slow TCP/IP response

>We have a problem with verrrry slow response to Telnet and POP3 mail
>download. Even when I do a Telnet from within the server to itself, the
>login prompt comes up after around a minute! Our server's name is CBAX02.
>If I do a "telnet cbax02" or "telnet <ipaddress>" even from within a telnet
>session on cbax02, login screen comes up after one minute. If I do a
>"telnet localhost", login prompt comes up instanteneously. The problem is
>worse with Windows 3.1 clients running telnet since the telnet session
>out and cannot connect at all. Doing a ping from a Windows workstartion to
>the server gives a response in the order of 1-2ms.
>Your help is appreciated.
>Benjie Gandionco
>Fairchild Semiconductor, Cebu
Received on Wed Jan 28 1998 - 02:32:37 NZDT

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