SUMMARY: Disk space requirements for DU 4.0B

From: Spalding, Steve <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 08:08 -0600

Thanks to all of those who contributed!


The original message:

This coming weekend I am going to upgrade our Alpha 2100's DU version
from 3.2G to 4.0B, and needless to say, I have some things to consider
before doing so. One of these considerations is how much free disk space
to have available on our / and /usr file systems for the new version of
the operating system, and the 4.0B installation manual does not give us
any idea of what to expect. I am installing the base operating system,
the DEC Event subset, the Polycenter Networker Save Restore and Archive
subset, the Performance Manager subset, and the Truecluster Available
Server subset. The /var directory is not mounted as it's own file system,
it is under /usr.

Can anyone give me a rough idea of how much total disk space these
modules will take on our / and /usr file systems?

Thanks in advance!

Stephen Spalding

On a similar system, we typically use:
Filesystem 1024-blocks Used Available Capacity Mounted
/dev/rz0a 126556 63492 50408 56% /
/dev/rz0g 1202196 830593 251383 77% /usr

The / partition is a slight case of overbombing. But we find it better to
be safe than sorry. I do remember reading that DEC recommends 64Mb for /
on V4.0b, but as you can is from the above we have just about reached

I hope this helps.


 /_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\
/_/ Richard A Bemrose /_\ Polymers and Colloids Group \_\
/_/ email: /_\ Cavendish Laboratory \_\
/_/ Tel: +44 (0)1223 337 267 /_\ University of Cambridge \_\
/_/ Fax: +44 (0)1223 337 000 /_\ Madingley Road \_\
/_/ (space for rent) / \ Cambridge, CB3 0HE, UK \_\
 /_/_/_/_/_/_/ \_\_\_\_\_\_\
             "Life is everything and nothing all at once"
              -- Billy Corgan, Smashing Pumpkins

Well, 4.0D seems to like a 128 MB root partition, so I'd use that even if
you are just going to 4.0B.

 -John P. Speno

I have an Alpha 2000. Here are my disk sizes.

/ - 128 meg - 49% full
/usr - 1.5 gig - 52% full
swap - 384 meg.

These sizes worked well for me. I have Samba and Wordperfect for UNIX
loaded also.

Paul Crittenden
System Manager
Simpson College

Steve --

I don't know about usr, but I have heard the root partition should be
100 MB, preferably in the 120 range.

Donn Aiken Colleague Release 12.8
Applications Engineer DEC Alpha 4100 / Unix 3.2G
Regents College UniData 3.3.2
7 Columbia Circle
Albany NY 12203 Netware 4.11
518/464-8765 Windows 3.1

 My /usr on V4.0B is using 350 MB, but I tend towards
 pretty simple systems. The root is 51 MB and could
 easily be larger. If you have a 64 MB root file system
 today, double it. I've been doing that on all my V4

Received on Wed Jan 28 1998 - 15:11:31 NZDT

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