Hello all,
To follow to up my bmessage below. I think I did something
wrong, that's why It doesn't work. I want to re-install it
But, could someone explain to me by example... under the
installation instruction at the part where it said:
9. Put any executables that you want anonymous users to be able to run in
_SITE_EXEC. Be careful what you put here.
I'm not quiet sure what it means?
______________________________ Forward Header __________________________________
Subject: wu-ftp
Author: CHANTHP_at_cliffy.polaroid.com (PHETPHONE D CHANTHAVONG) at INET
Date: 1/29/98 10:37 AM
Could someone answer my questions... about wu-ftp.
I was running wu-ftp (2.4) the oldest version... now I have install
wu-ftp-2.4-academ(1) version. Now all the FTP users unable to login
message: "access denied..."
Can you tell me why? what should I do to fix it?
Received on Mon Feb 02 1998 - 21:19:45 NZDT