My original question was whether or not there existed a limit to the number
of IPs that could be added to one interface. We needed to add about 100
aliased IPs to one of our servers, and the default MAX_NETDEVS was 24.
Thanks to Tom Blinn and Ed Silver for their responses! It appears that
there isn't a hardcoded limit on the number of aliases that an interface
can have. Dr. Blinn also provided this interesting comment from the
ifconfig source:
> * Revision 1995/11/16 18:49:25 Tony_B
> * added support to ifconfig and the kernel to allow for any
> * number of aliases
> * [1995/11/15 00:27:52 Tony_B]
Thanks for your help!
Dawn Lovell
Received on Tue Feb 03 1998 - 21:10:37 NZDT