I am running an Alpha 600 5/266, with DU 4.0 and Fortran 4.0. The
computer is used mainly as a research machine, running quantum mechanical
calculations using Gaussian 94 Rev D.3
Approximately 6 months ago, a hard drive failure caused the loss of the
original setup. Having finally repaired the machine, and upgraded the OS
to 4.0 (it was previously 3.x), we found that we could not run the
Gaussian 94 package:
jell> g94 h20.com
l101.exe: cannot map data.
sh: 15673 killed
One recompile of the original, and another "clean" install from the
original tape we recieved from Gaussian have failed to correct the
We have been assured by Dr. Fox, one of the authors of G94, that the
problems we are recieving simply should not be happening. I am still
sceptical as to whether the problem is Fortran, DU, or G94, but being the
case, and me being out of bright ideas after a day or so of hacking away
at the problem, I decided to refer this question to you.
The original compiler warnings were:
ar: Warning: creating ../util.a (repeated multiple times for
several *.a files)
Warning: __sqrt4_tab defined as GLOBAL RCONST but is defined in a
shared lib as a GLOBAL OBJECT (also repeated a dozen or
so times)
fort: Warning: no value (occures only once, while
compiling percnt.F)
There were no other warning or error messages in the build log that I can
Thank you in advance for any assistance you can render.
Michael Bourdaa
Received on Thu Feb 12 1998 - 22:43:22 NZDT