attached mail follows:
After reading this I was intrigued by an outlandish, almost insane thought.
What if all the people on this list where to donate time and money, and we
came up with our OWN commercial to run on TV. There has been more then
enough talk about the MAC G3 commercial and how cool it was. We have talked
time and time again about how we hoped that someone would market this baby
and we could see some commercials. Well, maybe it is time that we all
really put our money/time where our mouth is, and start to look at the price
to do a commercial. I know that there is more then enough talent, and
hardware, to make the whole commercial ourselves just within this group.
The biggest problem is the price for air time. But just think of this, can
you imagine how Byte, C|Net, PC Comp. etc. etc. would go nuts when they find
out that a not-for-profit, Alpha loving enthusiast team made their own
commercial because they believed in the platform that much. Can you imagine
what Compaq, Digital, and Samsung would do if they found out that there
where people serious enough about it, to make their own commercial. Wow, I
think we could really create a stir in the computer industry!!! To tell you
the truth, I think our biggest obstacle would be how we decide how the
commercial goes. I bet we could get some major corporations to donate money
to help fund it if we do all the leg work. Just think, we could ask
EVERYONE who writes software for the Alpha to donate a little. We could
even ask Compaq, Digital, Samsung, Mitsubishi, AccelGraphics, Diamond,
Seagate, Quantum, Carrera, Microcrap, Linux Consortium, Lodgepole,
Logitech, Pepsi, Budweiser, Subway, your grandmother, where to stop!!
Ok, off of my dream state and back to reality. Maybe my dream will stir
something in you other then "no way, never, not possible" and turn it into
"hey, I know someone in the ......... industry that could help out, this
just might work!!"
Rob Bush
chefren wrote:
> Hello list,
> As far as I can see we have made a good start for promoting
> Alpha-NT with the DES-II action. I hope we can climb some
> more in the over-all stats and not only in the Yesterday's
> 100.
> There were some rumours to take something more serious as a
> next target.
> I have thought about that, we definitely make the same
> error as Digital Marketing does for years: Being too
> serious. We need "strange" or remarkable things that appeal
> to normal people, not to knowledged people.
> Of course we should think about a next target for a joint
> effort. (Not in the last place for the fun of it!) However
> we shouldn't make the same errors as Digigital marketing
> does!
> If we start working on RC5 after this DES-II effort we only
> should start if we can do a -remarkable- job. Keeping
> our goal in mind just burning cycles for more than a year
> on RC5 is not the type of job I'm looking for. Maybe RC5 is
> feasible but then we have to ask for example "Team Digital"
> to help us or to rename AlphaNT to plain "Alpha" and ask
> all Alpha fan's to join with that team. I think for
> example "Team Digital" is usesless as a marketing effort
> for Digital products, "Alpha" or "AlphaNT" seems better to
> me.
> So:
> Who has alternatives for RC5? Probably there will be a next
> DES-III? Can we joint more Alpha forces and pop-up on
> number 1, 2 or 3 from start? Isn't there an other goal
> that's becoming populair?
> +++chefren
Received on Fri Feb 13 1998 - 08:24:40 NZDT