I'm having trouble intalling cxx on my Alpha Station 600, DEC Unix 3.2.
Actually, I made a mistake in my installation and I'd like to know if there
is a way to recover from the error.
The trouble started when I was following the directions for deleting old
software subsets and proceeded to delete CXXSHRDA307 before reading, "If
nnn is 307 or a higher number, do not delete this subset and do not install
it." Yikes! It was already too late, I'd just deleted the bugger.
I'm having some trouble with shared lib's now and deleting CXXSHRDA307 is
probably the reason.
Please advise, and please send comments directly to me.
Many thanks in advance,
425.637.9960 x15
Received on Wed Feb 18 1998 - 21:42:28 NZDT