AdvFs on DU 4.0D creates files with wrong group

From: Jukka Jalava <>
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 08:42:46 +0200


I've noticed a strange behavior on my AdvFs disks after upgrading my
Digital UNIX from 4.0B to 4.0D;
When I create a new file (touch, >, cp) it is given the system (0)
group, and not the users primary group. This happens even if the user
isn't a member of the system group. Old files (created before the
upgrade) show correct groups.
On UFS filesystems files behave as they used to.

Please let me know of any patch (didn't find one myself) or
configuration change to fix this A.S.A.P.

Thank You,

Jukka Jalava
Systems Specialist
Valmet Automation Inc.

P.S. I think this would be a problem to notice, and searced for it in
the archives without finding. So excuse me if this has been discussed
before 8-}
Received on Fri Feb 20 1998 - 07:41:15 NZDT

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