Hello all,
The answer to my question below was from Martin Mokrejs,
to remove a lock file '/etc/.AM_is_running'
# ls -l /etc/.AM*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root system 0 Feb 7 10:47 .AM_is_running
# rm .AM_is_running
and it works. Martin mentioned that loading path #5 or #6 on a system
running DU V4.0B with C2, will fix the this bug.
Thanks to all (names below) who resposed to my mail so quckly:
- Steve Beikman
- Luis Llach
- Gary Gladney
- Martin Mokrejs
______________________________ Forward Header __________________________________
Subject: password locked
Author: CHANTHP_at_cliffy.polaroid.com (PHETPHONE D CHANTHAVONG) at INET
Date: 2/20/98 9:14 AM
I need some help, the password file locked...
What happen was, I installed wu-ftpd[beta-16] version, and I then
terned on C2 security to an ENHANCED mode. Then, the ftp users
couldn't login. So, I then terned off C2 to BASE mode. Now, when I
want to add a new account I get the error as below...
What should I do to unlock it?
Enter a login shell for (bairosc) [/bin/sh]: /bin/false
Adding new user...
The password and group files are currently locked by another user.
Please try again later.
Error, exiting useradd /usr/sbin/adduser. Check /etc/passwd.
Received on Fri Feb 20 1998 - 17:13:22 NZDT