Hi, all
On my request for info on the subject of Sendmail on Unix I got
several answers, which I will summarize below. Thanks very much to
Richard Bemrose <rb237_at_phy.cam.ac.uk>, "Richard L Jackson
Jr" <rjackson_at_portal.gmu.edu>, and Jerome M.
Berkman <jerry_at_uclink.berkeley.edu>
Richard Bemrose (University of Cambridge, UK) wrote:
On Wed, 18 Feb 1998, Rolf E. Sonneveld wrote:
> 1. does Digital has its 'own' version of Sendmail for Digital Unix?
> Or is always the public domain sendmail involved?
We use a public domain program called 'smail' on all of our Digital
workstations. As 'smail' is a direct replacement for 'sendmail' we
simply create a symbolic link:
/usr/sbin/sendmail -> /usr/local/smail/bin/smail
> 2. is it possible to make use of TruCluster technology using
> Sendmail on multiple nodes? Or are there other ways to improve
> availability of the system?
Sorry, we do not use TruCluster.
> 3. Are there any OSF managers around hre, managing a Dunix system
> with Sendmail handling 100,000 messages a day or more?
For our main Cavendish Laboratory mail server we use another public
program called 'exim' which successfully handles high volumes of
input/output email. Plus has a nice X11 monitoring tool.
Richard L Jackson Jr (George Mason University, Fairfax,
Virginia) wrote:
> Hi, all
> On the subject of Sendmail on Digital Unix I've some questions
> regarding performance and versions.
> 1. does Digital has its 'own' version of Sendmail for Digital Unix?
> Or is always the public domain sendmail involved?
Digital adds Digital specific capabilities to sendmail. For Digital
they support Digital flavors for sendmail 5.x and 8.8.7.
> 2. is it possible to make use of TruCluster technology using
> Sendmail on multiple nodes? Or are there other ways to improve
> availability of the system?
> 3. Are there any OSF managers around hre, managing a Dunix system
> with Sendmail handling 100,000 messages a day or more?
Yes, we are currently using the default Digital UNIX 4.0B supplied
5.65, and process over 300,000+ a day on a single system.
Jerome M Berkman <jerry_at_uclink.berkeley.edu>
On Wed, 18 Feb 1998, Rolf E. Sonneveld wrote:
> Hi, all
> On the subject of Sendmail on Digital Unix I've some questions
> regarding performance and versions.
> 1. does Digital has its 'own' version of Sendmail for Digital Unix?
> Or is always the public domain sendmail involved?
Digital has its own version, we don't run it.
We run the public domain version. I think Digital's is somewhat
behind the public domain version; the Ultrix version was from
the King James branch of sendmail and would not do what we wanted,
especially for the "w" option (TryNullMXList). The Ultrix version
also was not M4 based, which is something we want. Why maintain
a 600+ line sendmail.cf when you can maintain a 30-40 line m4
based file which generates the sendmail.cf?
> 2. is it possible to make use of TruCluster technology using
> Sendmail on multiple nodes? Or are there other ways to improve
> availability of the system?
Depends on what you want to do. We will be moving to TruCluster
this summer. We will probably use a simple configuration with
the main sendmail daemon running on our Alpha 8200.
We may have all the majordomo lists on our Alpha 2100 using a
different service name.
> 3. Are there any OSF managers around hre, managing a Dunix system
> with Sendmail handling 100,000 messages a day or more?
I just checked last week and we handled 110,000 messages last
on our Alpha 8200.
Again, thanks to all who responded.
Rolf E. Sonneveld
Schrijnwerkerlaan 16
3828 XC Hoogland
The Netherlands
Tel./Fax. +31 33 480 3968
Mobile: +31 6543 70 20 5
E-mail: R.E.Sonneveld_at_sonnection.nl
Homepage: http://www.sonnection.nl
Received on Mon Feb 23 1998 - 23:07:02 NZDT