I'm hoping someone might be able to help with these problems, at
least point me in the right direction. We did have a power supply
fail and I replaced it, but I did a tape backup AFTER restoring the machine.
Two problems and a question. The first is trying to do a dump 0 level
I received the error at the bottom. The tape is new and i tried several
different tapes.
The second problem is that I can no longer mount the extra hard drive. It
shows up after shutdown, when it magically checks and lists all SCSI
mounting hard disk error:
/sbin/mount -rd /dev/rz3a /mnt
/dev/rz3a on /mnt: I/O error
The question is if there are unused partition on working disks,
i.e. 9a,9b, 9g are used but 9h is unused. Can the unsed partitions
simply be added without effecting the existing
data on the used partitions? We are getting an error that the swap
space is less than 10% free, so I was going to try to add the partitions
as swap.
Any clues would be very appreciated. And as always thanks for any help,
especially on the weekend.
Brian Hinderliter
Graduate Student Material Science and Engineering
University of Virginia
mounting hard disk error:
/sbin/mount -rd /dev/rz3a /mnt
/dev/rz3a on /mnt: I/O error
Tape dump error:
dump: 0.03% done -- finished in 01:40
dump: Dumping (Pass IV) [regular files]
dump: Check if tape is write protected.
dump: Write error -- wanted to write: 10240, only wrote: -1
slave_work(): write(): I/O error
dump: Write error - /dev/nrmt0h, volume 1, 26 feet -- cannot recover
dump: NEEDS ATTENTION: Do you want to restart this volume?: ("yes" or "no") no
dump: SIGTERM received
dump: The ENTIRE dump is aborted
# rewind mt
rewind: not found
# /sbin/rewind
/sbin/rewind: not found
# mt rewind
# dump -0uf /dev/nrmt0h /usr/users
dump: not found
# /sbin/dump -0uf /dev/nrmt0h /usr/users
dump: Dumping from host gibbs
dump: Date of this level 0 dump: Fri Feb 27 15:55:46 1998 EST
dump: Date of last level 0 dump: the start of the epoch
dump: Dumping /dev/rrz10e (/usr/users) to /dev/nrmt0h
dump: Mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
dump: Mapping (Pass II) [directories]
dump: Estimate: 1514712 tape blocks on 4 volume(s)
dump: Dumping (Pass III) [directories]
dump: Volume 1, tape # 0001, begins with blocks from i-node 2
dump: 0.03% done -- finished in 01:40
dump: Dumping (Pass IV) [regular files]
dump: Check if tape is write protected.
dump: Write error -- wanted to write: 10240, only wrote: -1
slave_work(): write(): I/O error
dump: Write error - /dev/nrmt0h, volume 1, 26 feet -- cannot recover
dump: NEEDS ATTENTION: Do you want to restart this volume?: ("yes" or "no") no^H
dump: "yes" or "no"?
dump: NEEDS ATTENTION: Do you want to restart this volume?: ("yes" or "no") no
dump: SIGTERM received
dump: The ENTIRE dump is aborted
Received on Sat Feb 28 1998 - 17:09:35 NZDT