SUMMARY: Networker Save+Restore Bootstrap

From: Ronald D. Bowman <>
Date: Mon, 02 Mar 1998 12:20:02 -0500

Hello Managers,

        I would like to thank Paul Watson and Kurt Carlson for
        their quick responses. I have yet to completely solve
        my problem, but Kurt has provided the knowledge(I hope) for
        me to solve it. I will look further into the issue tonight
        or tomorrow.
        The solution(original post is at the end) would be to use
        mminfo. I have glanced at the man page, and tried an initial
        attempt with no success.
        Paul's response was to go in as root and change the settings of
        the bootstrap notification. I had tried that as myself(with
        administrator priviledge) and failed. So I tried as root.
        Unfortunately, I am still unable to modify the Bootstrap notification
        in any way - other than its command line.
        Kurt's response is below, and this is the one that will probably allow
        me to obtain the bootstrap information:
>In single user mode most support daemons (in the case of printers, the network)
>aren't there. You definitely do need to save boot strap information, but
>no need to print it. Email it or otherwise deposit it on another host
>(preferably in another building).

>We have the nsr savegroup completion messages piped into a filter which
>builds a summary message and scans for errors since we're backing up
>a number of systems. The index is also rcp'd by a recurrent job.
>I keep the following aliases in my .kshrc:

>alias nsrsts="ps -A -o user,pid,ppid,command -u root | grep -E 'savegroup|savegrp|nsr' | grep -v grep"
>alias nsrndx="mminfo -q'name=bootstrap' -r'savetime(20),level,ssid,mediafile,mediarec,volume,client' -ot -t'one month
>alias nsrsum='mminfo -r "savetime(20),level,sumsize,copies,nfiles,ssid,volume,client,name" -q "pool=Backups" -ot -t
>"one day ago"'
>alias nsrvol=/usr/users/sxkac/bin/nsrvol.ksh
>alias nsrsvs="rsh glacier \"cat ~sdnsr/yesterday;echo;~sdnsr/bin/uansrmsg.exe -s ~sdnsr/log/messages\""

>the nsrndx gives you the bootstrap information for the last month.
>you can customize an mminfo to produce whatever suits your needs.
>If you back up in single user mode just modify nsr's startup or
>write an /sbin/rc3.d/S* procedure (after nsr startup) or a cron job
>to send you and|or print the appropriate info from mminfo. kurt

Thanks for the information, and if anyone else has any other information
I would be glad to hear it as well.

Ron Bowman
Techno-Sciences, Inc.

Alpha EB 21164, 333MHz, 1 CPU
DU 4.0 (564) Patch #6 installed

Original Post:
Hello Managers -
        We are running NSR V4.2A in single user mode. IN the addendum
        there is a section on Preparing for Crash Recovery. One item
        mentioned was maintaining a copy of the bootstrap print outs.
        We never receive the print outs, and I went into the notification
        area and tried to change the parameters for the bootstrap notification.
        However, I was unable to change any of the settings. I tried making
        my own bootstrap notification command, but it did not work either.
        Is it possible(or necessary) to receive the bootstrap information if
        NSR is used in single user mode? Any help/information on this would be
        greatly appreciated.
Received on Mon Mar 02 1998 - 18:20:18 NZDT

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