Dumping multiple file systems

From: Britton Johnson <johnson_at_lindenwood.edu>
Date: Mon, 02 Mar 1998 15:41:57 -0600 (CST)

Greetings Managers,

        This is an extremely basic inquiry regarding using dump to backup
multiple filesystems. I notice that under the man page for dump it states
the syntax is /usr/sbin/dump [key [argument ...] file system] (not
filesystem(s)). Could one simply append multiple filesystems there?
(see? basic)... if not could one use the -N to prevent it from rewinding
the tape and follow with a second dump of a seperate filesystem? My
reason for asking is my root and tmp filesystems are so small I hate to
blow a 1.3 gb tape on a few megs.

Thanks in advance,

    Britton Johnson, Ass't System Admin.
   Lindenwood University, St. Charles, MO
Received on Mon Mar 02 1998 - 22:42:23 NZDT

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