I would appreciate some assistance in compiling and installing ghostscript
in a DU4.0B machine.
I have tried to compile a number of versions of ghostscript. The
compilation process proceeds without any errors (some warnings with a
couple of versions). When I execute gs, it inevitably ends up with
unaligned access errors. I have tried various versions of source codes
from both GNU and Aladdin. The modified source code supplied with the
freeware CD from Digital produced the same result. I also tried compiling
with cc as well as gcc.
Thanks to the following for their helpful responses:
Jim Belonis <belonis_at_dirac.phys.washington.edu>
Dejan Muhamedagic <dejan_at_yunix.co.yu>
Dr Kevin McManus <K.McManus_at_greenwich.ac.uk>
Bjorn S. Nilsson <Bjorn.S.Nilsson_at_nbi.dk>
The consensus is that Ghostscript compiles in DU4.0B without problems.
However the binary produced generates a lot of unaligned access errors
while running. As Dejan Muhamedagic <dejan_at_yunix.co.yu> puts it 'Unaligned
access should not be "too much trouble", i.e. take a look at man page for
uac(1).' I was able to suppress the error messages with the command:
'uac p noprint'
Rather than include this command in shell startup scripts, I included the
following in the Ghostscript source file "gs.c":
#include <sys/sysinfo.h>
#include <machine/hal_sysinfo.h>
#include <sys/proc.h>
int uacbuf[2];
uacbuf[0] = SSIN_UACPROC;
uacbuf[1] = UAC_NOPRINT;
setsysinfo(SSI_NVPAIRS, uacbuf, 1, 0, 0);
The binary produced does not generate unalligned access error messages
while running. Not very elegant, but it works.
Biswamber Lal Gurubacharya
Asian Institute of Technology
Received on Tue Mar 03 1998 - 04:10:15 NZDT