SUMMARY: task_create() and maxuprc errors?

From: Ronald D. Bowman <>
Date: Fri, 06 Mar 1998 16:40:16 -0500

Hello managers -

I really like this group. I had a few very quick responses which
were all identical in their solutions. I imagine this will
solve the problem, I am just curious as to why it never showed
up before. The learning continues....

The solution is to change the
max-proc-per-user attribute in the /etc/sysconfigtab file. For various ways to
do this, see below(especially Mike's reply)

>Part of Original post:
> I have run into a problem(3 times) recently with a simulation package
> that I am running. I do not know if the errors I am seeing
> are from the simulation package or from DU.
> The error is the following:
> task_create() failed for pid 17497: maxuprc (=64) exceeded for uid 6294.
Many thanks to Allan E Johannesen, Mike(aka JekyllTunnel),Miguel Fliguer,

The suggestions were as shown below, but the best came from Mike who pointed out a
very useful(though I can see myself screwing up with) function. His post is first
in its entirety the others are summarized after that:

>From Mike:
>That error means that the user in question (uid 6294) has 64 processes
>already, which is the maximum set. To change this, you need to tweak a
>kernel parameter (does not require rebuild).

>Run dxkerneltuner from the command line. Go to the proc section and change
>the value max-proc-per-user to something higher than 64. I use 256.

>(What dxkerneltuner does, is provide a nice GUI to modify the
>/etc/sysconfigtab file, which is normally tweaked with the sysconfigdb

I will point out that the kernel subsystem to edit is "proc". dxkerneltuner provides
access to a lot of different subsystems, and the graphical interface is very nice.

Alternate ways to do the same thing:
>From Allan:

Assuming you have the privileges, modify /etc/sysconfigtab and add these two
lines at the bottom:

        max-proc-per-user = 256
>From Miguel:
Check out :

# sysconfig -q proc

for the setting of max-proc-per-user . I guess it's in the default value
Try raising it to 128, just add a section on /etc/sysconfigtab :

        max-proc-per-user = 128
It looks like the 'max-proc-per-user' is over exceeded.
You need to increase from =64 to may be =128:
look under:
# sysconfig -q proc
Received on Fri Mar 06 1998 - 22:40:40 NZDT

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